List of State Parks in Vermont

Alburg Dunes State Park
Allis State Park
Ascutney State Park
Ball Mountain State Park
Big Deer State Park
Bomoseen State Park
Boulder Beach State Park
Branbury State Park
Brighton State Park
Burton Island State Park
Button Bay State Park
Camel's Hump State Park
Camp Plymouth State Park
Cheney House State Park
Coolidge State Park
Crystal Lake State Park
D.A.R. State Park
Elmore State Park
Emerald Lake State Park
Fort Dummer State Park
Gifford Woods State Park
Grand Isle State Park
Green River Reservoir State Park
Half Moon State Park
Jamaica State Park
Kettle Pond State Park
Kingsland Bay State Park
Knight Island State Park
Knight Point State Park
Kill Kare State Park
Lake Carmi State Park
Lake St. Catherine State Park
Lake Shaftsbury State Park
Little River State Park
Lowell Lake State Park
Maidstone State Park
Molly Stark State Park
Mt. Philo State Park
New Discovery State Park
Niquette Bay State Park
North Hero State Park
Quechee State Park
Ricker Pond State Park
Sand Bar State Park
Seyon Ranch State Park
Silver Lake State Park
Smugglers' Notch State Park
Stone Hut State Park
Sweet Pond State Park
Thetford Hill State Park
Townshend State Park
Underhill State Park
Waterbury Center State Park
Wilgus State Park
Woodford State Park
Woods Island State Park

Map of Vermont State Parks